The Food Drive Kids will continue their fight against childhood hunger in 2021 with their first-ever drive-through food drive. Since Covid-19 is still making it hard for us to get back to our normal food drive we are doing things a bit differently again this year.
WHAT: Drive-Through Food Drive, where you can bring your donations of food to help our fight against childhood hunger. Click here for a list of things to purchase. We will be collecting food for Backpack Buddies as well as food and toiletries for our network of Little Free Pantries. We will also be giving T-Shirts away to those that make monetary donations of $25 or more!
WHEN: Saturday, April 17 from 10-4 and Sunday, April 18 from 12-4
WHERE: Western Boulevard Presbyterian Church Parking Lot, 4900 Kaplan Drive Raleigh, NC 27606
HOW: Come by during the hours above to drop off your food and/or monetary donations (you can even get a t-shirt while you are there), or fill out the form below to donate online and we will mail you your t-shirt!
Please fill out the form below to make a donation to fight childhood hunger and get your 2021 limited edition Food Drive Kids t-shirt!